ACO Operations Planning Directive;
CODE NAME: Buddy’s Birthday Challenge
Introductory Dissertation
This directive conforms to the special operations component command planning process (SOCC-P2) to provide a framework for component-level tactical planning that complies with the ACO Comprehensive Operations Planning Directive. The SOCC-P2 is focused on supporting the theatre level campaign and guides SOCC planning to support the joint force command (JFC). Keep that in mind as you prosecute your mission.
SOTG commanders will begin decision making processes once mission tasking is reviewed below. Each main mission task shall be executed in order but it is up to individual command teams to decide on component level work flow. JFC will stay online at the video connectivity portal to aggregate SOTG command team mission tracking data, provide mission coordination and clarify mission tasking orders.
Mission Task Alpha
Joint force component inventory collection. Search and acquire each object. SOTG command teams are required to make a photo record of the object or your team performing the required activity. Use your Personal Human Oratory Narrative Equipment (PHONE) to acquire the photo record and transmit via text to JFC at the encrypted feed “HALO” where your original mission orders were received. You have 37 minutes to complete the main mission task or as many component level tasks as possible. The goal of this mission task is to demonstrate critical thinking and creative problem solving. In many missions, you will be faced with the requirement to acquire an item without access to a Strategic Tactical Ordnance Resource Exchange (STORE) and in a short period of time. If you need but can’t find a wild albino ferret, in many situations, a bleached shaved cat will work equally well.
You may print the component inventory below.
Mission Task Alpha Component Inventory
Real-time, quantitative mission tracking telemetry data will be pushed to the video connectivity portal at JFC on a team by team basis, based on the photo records texted to the HALO account. Once your SOTG command team has completed main mission task alpha, or the expiration of the 37 minute critical time path, SOTG command teams are ordered to report back to the video connectivity portal to receive mission task bravo.